
Sunday, 14 November 2021

Blue Kite

Dear readers

 Have you ever flown a kite? I was blessed with such an opportunity and I used to watch the beautiful kite flying in the sky without any restrictions even though its end is held by me. I feel our life is also like this. God has given us the freedom to fly as high as we can but we should always keep in mind that he is the one directing us. He is the one holding the thread.

                        The blue kite

Whoom Woosh, the blue kite

A terrible wind was the enemy.

It took my kite up and up to the sky,

I watched my kite breathlessly,

I saw my kite fly. 

I couldn’t hold the thread properly,

The wind snatched my kite dreadfully. 

I was terribly upset. 

My father tried to change my mindset. 

He said we have set it free.

“See it is flying above the tree!”

So watch out if you see a blue dot upon the sky. 

It is surely our blue kite which made me cry . 

Written by Samarth Nair


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